Rescuing Vs Supporting In Relationships And How To Stop Rescuing Others
Alyssa Kushner, LCSW Alyssa Kushner, LCSW

Rescuing Vs Supporting In Relationships And How To Stop Rescuing Others

Rescuing is a term that describes an unhealthy version of helping/support. The lines can be blurred, but rescuing is more about enabling, trying to fix other people’s issues, and to change people. 

I will go over what rescuing looks like, why rescuing happens, and what is enabling & rescuing vs supporting in the context of relationships, and how to stop rescuing others.

I do want to mention that rescuing is can be an indicator of a codependent relationship and tendency. It is also a sign of an enmeshed dynamic whether with a friend, partner, or family member.

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8 Steps To Overcome People Pleasing & Re-Building Your Self-Trust After Years Of People Pleasing Tendencies
Alyssa Kushner, LCSW Alyssa Kushner, LCSW

8 Steps To Overcome People Pleasing & Re-Building Your Self-Trust After Years Of People Pleasing Tendencies

People pleasers are those who appease other people constantly, while self-abandoning, to try to make other people happy or like them for a variety of deeper reasons. You can read more in depth to see if you resonate with these signs of a people pleaser or if you’d like to understand people pleasing from a relational trauma perspective - fawning if that’s how it was developed for you.

The sad thing about people pleasing and always neglecting yourself to make the other person “happy,” is that you lose yourself in the process.

Most clients I work with that people please or struggle with codependent like habits are so used to putting other people above them self, so they don't even know what they want or what they need when they think on it. They lose their sense of trust, in themselves, their sense of self, and sometimes they are even unaware of their own desires, opinions, and values. So today we will talk about not only how to overcome people pleasing, but some ways to rebuild the trust in yourself because that's a huge component to healing after people pleasing. Here are the 8 steps.

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What Causes Codependency? Understanding How It Develops & Signs Of Codependency In Relationships
Alyssa Kushner, LCSW Alyssa Kushner, LCSW

What Causes Codependency? Understanding How It Develops & Signs Of Codependency In Relationships

Codependency is often a word that can be stigmatized or just not understood. I will share what it is and how it looks in relationships, however if you want to learn even more on the signs check out an old blog here. Today, I will explore the connection how relational trauma, family dynamics, and other patterns in your childhood have developed into codependency in relationships.

What is codependency? And What are signs/patterns of codependency?

It's a pattern in relationships where you are chronically neglecting yourself, prioritizing the other person's needs, feelings, and problems over your own. Codependency at its core holds a lot of self-neglect, self-abandonment, and avoidance of yourself in the pursuit of getting your sense of self & identity, validation, needs, and purpose from other people.

When it comes to codependency in particular, it mostly formed from relational trauma, unhealthy family dynamics, or attachment styles. They center around 5 types:

  • Emotionally immature parents & destructive parentification

  • Family members or loved ones with addictions, severe mental health, or caregiving

  • Toxic relationships with narcissists or emotional abusers

  • Enmeshed family dynamics & modeling

  • Abandonment & attachment wounds

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What Is The Difference Between Shame And Guilt? (Plus How To Overcome Shame & Unhelpful Guilt)
Alyssa Kushner, LCSW Alyssa Kushner, LCSW

What Is The Difference Between Shame And Guilt? (Plus How To Overcome Shame & Unhelpful Guilt)

Two of the most common emotions I see with survivors of trauma, people pleasers, perfectionists, codependents, people who struggle with low self esteem, and accompanying those who are anxious are shame and guilt. They can be all-consuming, visceral, and impact our mental health. Today I will dive into both, the differences, along with tips to overcome.

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Why We Struggle To Be Alone
Alyssa Kushner, LCSW Alyssa Kushner, LCSW

Why We Struggle To Be Alone

So often in my therapy sessions, I hear my clients talk about doing just about everything and anything besides being alone. I live in NYC and that's an overstimulating environment, so I know we are not always being set up for stillness. But what it comes down to is most of us these days not only have an addiction to stress, busyness, and chaos - but it's so just hard to sit and be with ourselves and our thoughts alone. You may even have anxiety when you are alone. Here are some reasons for it and tips to overcome fear of being alone.

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How To Know If You Have An Anxious Attachment Style In Relationships
Alyssa Kushner, LCSW Alyssa Kushner, LCSW

How To Know If You Have An Anxious Attachment Style In Relationships

An attachment style is the way you behave and show up in romantic relationships now, that was first created forming an emotional connection to caregivers when you were younger. While there is also a genetic component in your wiring, the way we interacted with our caregivers has SUCH a big impact growing up. When you get into an adult romantic relationship, our attachment style often comes out with romantic partners. This can also show up in friendships . An anxious attachment is is someone who shows up in relationships fearing rejection and abandonment and never fully feeling emotionally safe or secure. Before diving into the signs of anxious attachment here are some of the causes.

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Understanding Functional Freeze
Alyssa Kushner, LCSW Alyssa Kushner, LCSW

Understanding Functional Freeze

When our nervous systems are so overloaded and on overdrive for so long or we've experienced trauma time and time again - sometimes we experience what's called “functional freeze” which is your nervous system getting so overwhelmed and exhausted chronically that it then actually shuts down. So particularly if you feel chronically anxious, stressed, and overwhelmed constantly during the day - it might turn into “functional freeze” to help get you through the rest of the day or you crash at night and experience all of this. Or this may be your automatic response to a stress or trauma trigger. Here are some signs you are in a functional freeze response.

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Holiday Stress & Mental Health Tips
Alyssa Kushner, LCSW Alyssa Kushner, LCSW

Holiday Stress & Mental Health Tips

The holidays can bring up so much excitement, joy, love, and gratitude. They are often a time we associate with family, big meals, and tradition. We watch certain movies, see old friends, and get to exchange presents or have a traditional family style meal. There is so much joy and fun that may be felt. 

As a therapist, I am also quite mindful of the other feelings that commonly come with the holiday season. The holiday stress! It's not that you have to experience one or the other - joy vs sorrow, gratitude vs loneliness, ease vs stress. It's just that in addition to those experiences above, you may also experience some other hardships like grief, loneliness, extra stress, anxiety, sadness, or irritability. These are all normal.

Because holidays can be quite loaded with shedding light on complicated relationships or family dynamics, loss of loved ones or relationships, not having someone in your life you want, financial difficulties, or believing you are not where you’d like to be - I want to acknowledge some of the stress and challenges that may be triggered during this time. The flare ups of mental health challenges, regressions, and difficult emotions or experiences that you may have are common. Here are some common ones to be mindful of and tips to get through

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Am I Stressed, Anxious, Or Overwhelmed? What Is What And How Do I Cope?
Alyssa Kushner, LCSW Alyssa Kushner, LCSW

Am I Stressed, Anxious, Or Overwhelmed? What Is What And How Do I Cope?

Stress, anxiety, and overwhelm are all (most likely) familiar experiences and can happen at the same time or trigger one another. Today I wanted to break each one down so you can start examining which you are experiencing and need support with. This can help decide what you need to do to manage, decrease it, or cope with it.

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Warning Signs Of A *Truly* Toxic Person And What To Do
Alyssa Kushner, LCSW Alyssa Kushner, LCSW

Warning Signs Of A *Truly* Toxic Person And What To Do

I tend to stay away from calling people “toxic, narcissists, and gaslighters” especially in therapy because although its great w’eve shed so much light to those types of people - society has overused these words and we tend to slap these labels on anyone who’s behavior doesn’t align with ours. 

However, obviously there are people who fit the bill here and it’s important to know what some of these signs are that someone is toxic and may be bad for your mental health. I want to hold nuance though, I'm not describing someone who is necessarily a narcissist or sociopath (though a narcissist would absolutely have these traits too), a toxic person may also have some good qualities and could just need some therapy and support, but these are 5 warning signs of toxic unhealthy behaviors and tips on what to do.

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How To Get Ahead Of And Manage Seasonal Affective Disorder As The Season Shifts
Alyssa Kushner, LCSW Alyssa Kushner, LCSW

How To Get Ahead Of And Manage Seasonal Affective Disorder As The Season Shifts

Seasonal affective disorder is a type of depression, feeling down or sad, and loneliness that comes usually around late fall and winter. This is a very common phenomenon where nights get darker and colder quicker, holidays are coming which can be positive but also bring up a lot of complicated feelings around family, and many people generally feel down or depressed. The difference in weather and darkness has a biological impact on us and our ability to produce melatonin, so there is scientific impact here too. If you are proned to depression anyway or i f you experience this every year, especially on the east coast -you're not alone!

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A Guide To Sober Curiosity: Benefits Of Sobriety, Tips, Reflection Questions, Resources, And My Personal Journey
Alyssa Kushner, LCSW Alyssa Kushner, LCSW

A Guide To Sober Curiosity: Benefits Of Sobriety, Tips, Reflection Questions, Resources, And My Personal Journey

Sober curiosity is a movement for a person who is interested in exploring their relationship with alcohol, unsure if needing to go fully sober is the answer. It is questioning and being curious about their alcohol use and maybe even thinking about mindfully drinking, cutting back, or removing alcohol. This is someone who doesn’t identify with addiction, dependence, or the phrase “alcoholic.” Here is a sober curious guide on benefits of cutting alcohol use, who could use a break from alcohol, questions to explore your alcohol use, tips to take a break from alcohol or mindfully drink, and resources for alcohol use and sober curiosity.

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Understanding The Effects Of Parentification On Mental Health In Adulthood
Alyssa Kushner, LCSW Alyssa Kushner, LCSW

Understanding The Effects Of Parentification On Mental Health In Adulthood

Parentification is the reversal of roles between parents and child, usually in childhood and/or teen years where the child is still developing and maturing. While sometimes this will happen naturally, for the most part this can be quite impactful on the child which I will share more in the blog. When parents put responsibilities whether financially, logistically, emotionally, mentally, or physically it send messages to the child that their needs don’t matter, they are responsible for other people, and mature them before they are developmentally ready.

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Understanding Hypervigilance And Anxiety In Relationships
Alyssa Kushner, LCSW Alyssa Kushner, LCSW

Understanding Hypervigilance And Anxiety In Relationships

Hypervigilance refers to the heightened state of awareness, being overly alert of your surroundings, and scanning for threats and danger. Hypervigilance in relationships or anxiety in relationships looks like different and is often a response to relational trauma, attachment issues, or other ways your caregivers parented. Here are some signs and explanations of why you are hypervigilant and anxious in your relationships.

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Defining Anxiety And Holistic Ways To Manage
Alyssa Kushner, LCSW Alyssa Kushner, LCSW

Defining Anxiety And Holistic Ways To Manage

Anxiety is a feeling of fear, dread, and uneasiness like an impending sense of doom that something is wrong. It is often accompanied by worrying, fearing about the future, and also shows up physically. Here are some other signs of anxiety and 6 ways to manage it from a holistic therapist.

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5 Reasons Why We Self-Sabotage
Alyssa Kushner, LCSW Alyssa Kushner, LCSW

5 Reasons Why We Self-Sabotage

Self sabotage happens when we intentionally OR unconsciously hold ourselves back from progressing, growth, and allowing something positive for us in. Usually self sabotage happens from deep rooted beliefs about ourselves, fears, and unconscious behaviors. We typically don’t even realize we are even doing it.

The question may be, why? Why would we not want good things for ourselves? Well, here are 5 reasons!

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10 Experiences You May Be Having That Are Signs It’s Time To Start Therapy
Alyssa Kushner, LCSW Alyssa Kushner, LCSW

10 Experiences You May Be Having That Are Signs It’s Time To Start Therapy

I do want to point out that you don't need to wait to start therapy until you’re at a rock bottom, dealing with a crisis, or in the depth of a major mental health issue. Yes these are clearly good reasons to be in therapy, but there are plenty of other reasons you may want to go. And for the most part, I believe anyone can benefit. Here are 10 experiences that you may be going through that are signs it’s time to start therapy.

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7 Tips To Deal With Overwhelm When You’ve Got A Lot Going On.
Alyssa Kushner, LCSW Alyssa Kushner, LCSW

7 Tips To Deal With Overwhelm When You’ve Got A Lot Going On.

Overwhelm is an emotion that indicates to us that we have a lot going on, lots of to-dos, and feel overpowered or overloaded by your thoughts, emotions, stressors, and tasks. It often leads to paralyzing us, shutting us down, and not leading to forward movement. Here are signs of overwhelm and ways to deal with overwhelm.

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7 Signs Of Enmeshment In Relationships
Alyssa Kushner, LCSW Alyssa Kushner, LCSW

7 Signs Of Enmeshment In Relationships

Enmeshment is a term that describes a dynamic in a relationship (whether a romantic partner, friend, or family) where you are intertwined with one another in an unhealthy way, with very little to no boundaries, autonomy, and independence. Here are 7 ways (and beliefs) that show enmeshment in relationships.

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4 Tips To Get Ahead Of Burn Out
Alyssa Kushner, LCSW Alyssa Kushner, LCSW

4 Tips To Get Ahead Of Burn Out

Burn out is a state of deep mental, emotional, and physical exhaustion that happens after chronic and unmanaged stress. Here are some examples of signs you are burnt out and 4 tips to help prevent it from happening in the first place.

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